Friday 18 November 2016

Brexit: the Portuguese advise

Most of the European embassies and consulates in the UK, following the results of the Brexit referendum, have advised their citizens to wait and hope.

The Portuguese, however, have bucked the trend, and they set up a "Plan to support the Portuguese community on Brexit", whose main advise at the moment is:
"No entanto, recomenda-se que procurem obter o estatuto de cidadãos residentes, caso vivam há mais de 5 anos naquele país. Se ali residirem há menos de 5 anos, poderão solicitar um cartão de residente, que poderá tornar-se permanente quando se completar este período de tempo."
That's it:
"Meanwhile, it is recommended to try to get the certification of the permanent resident status if you have lived [and exercised rights treaties] more than five years in the country. If you have lived here for less than five years, you can ask a registration card, as the first step towards permanent residency when fulfilling the five years requirement"
The Portuguese Consulate also offers assistance,  by appointment, to complete the forms to request the certification of the permanent residency status:

"O Consulado atende presencialmente, por marcação prévia, os utentes que pretenderem apoio no preenchimento dos formulários. As marcações são efetuadas através do e-mail e não através da aplicação de agendamento online."

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