Friday 13 April 2007

Improving build performances: assemblies on the GAC

Working with a Monorail based web project, to improve build performances, I added some of the Castle Project assemblies to the GAC.

Obviously, there is a time when you need a fast build, and there is a time when you need to be sure that all the assemblies your application is using are in the /bin folder, so I wrote 2 batch files to cache and uncache the assemblies listed in 2 text files (some example code at the end of the article).

I tested on my machine with a sizable web application project the effect of having or not having those assemblies on the GAC on the build time, and this are the rounded average results:

GAC 10"
No-GAC 27"

GAC 5"
No-GAC 22"

That is, on my machine when I put the files on the GAC, when building I gain 17".

[Note: The web build is normally 5" faster than the Solution build because in the solution there are project not directly needed by the Web (In primis the tests, then some data migration and seeding stuff, some productivity measurament tool, and so on).]

Why it happens? My best answer is that having the Castle project assemblies in the GAC means that during the build these are not copied anymore in the various /bin folders.

I do advice you to try to test this in your machines as well, anyway, please read carefully and make sure you understand the next points before moving ahead:

- the build phase generate assemblies from the source code. Those assemblies are bytecode, not executable programs, and if not opportunely precompiled, they will be compiled at the startup of the .Net application. This means that after building, when you will refresh the web page, this will take exactly the same time to answer you as it was taking before putting the Castle Project assemblies on the GAC.

- I had to modify the web.config, because the assembly Castle.ActiveRecord has to be explicitly added this way.

- You may notice I also added Castle.Monorail.Framework and Castle.Monorail.Views.Brail. Unfortunately it seems IIS is requiring those two files before reading all the web.config, so I add to change the property Copy Local to true (so in the /bin folder of the web application project you still can find these two assemblies and their related files). This means that you need to slightly the web application project as well to get those latest needed changes.

- I didn't test the web with a web site project configuration, if you happen to use such, you will probably get an error due missing assemblies. I do not advice to use such project option for an unending list of reasons, but if you really wish to persist on your own way, you should solve that just making sure the appropriate assemblies are copied in the /bin folder of the web application. Manually (I mean with some pre o post build event) copying files is a bad practice, because it will worsen the performances of the build, so exercise with care.

- You may be tempted to modify the list of the assemblies to include in the GAC. Please exercise care when doing so, because you can only add strongly typed assemblies this way. In example Newtonsoft.Json is not in that list because it is not a strongly typed assembly.

- Microsoft doesn't recommed to put in the GAC the assemblies you are developing. That is, MyDomainModel.dll or MyInitialisation.dll have still to be keept outside the GAC. If in the future you stabilize one of those libraries, you may decide to sign it (to make it strongly typed) and that to add it to the GAC.

I tested all of this on this Monorail based web project, but its results will probably be more or less similar with normal ASP.NET projects.

Batch file to cache assemblies

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0 64bit\Bin\gacutil" /f /il .\toCache.txt

Batch file to uncache assemblies

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0 64bit\Bin\gacutil" /f /ul .\toUncache.txt

ToCache.txt (list of file to cache, note the relative path to the working directory of the batch file)


Batch file to uncache assemblies


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